We haven't had anything too exciting going on around here, but I took some quick pictures of the kids on Sunday before heading off to church. They both look so sweet in these pictures and they are most of the time, but Sunday was the exception for Raegan! She is such a little pill, does anyone else feel like they go to church to walk the halls with their kids?! I usually have to stay with Reagan in nursery because I'm a softy and hate to leave her crying. I especially feel bad for the poor nursery leaders! On Sunday, I decided it would be nice to finally get to go to Sunday School and Releif Society so I snuck out after finding her some toys and just as I sat down in Sunday School, which is in the chapel, I heard her start screaming. Remember, I'm in the chapel and she's clear down the hall and around the corner, she's got some lungs!! It would stop about every 10 minutes for about 5 minutes, and then start back up again. They told me just to leave her and they would come get me if they needed to but I felt sooo bad. Luckily, I couldn't hear her in Relief Society! Preisthood is in the Chapel and Chris could still hear her so he caved and went and got her, the poor thing. Her eyes were red and swollen and she was so distraught! She clung to me and kept smiling and saying "mommy" as we walked to the car. We'll see how next week goes, I'm definitely hoping for less tears! On the other hand Carson LOVES Sunbeams and is so excited to show/tell us what he did!