I have to admit, I'm a little obsessed with buying hats for Carson. This one is my fav!
This picture was taken just a couple of weeks before Matt left on his mission, it's so sweet! Carson loves his Uncle Matt!
Posted by
7:58 PM
So for dinner tonight we had spaghetti. Usually I just feed it to Carson but I decided to just put the bowl in front of him and let him have at it. It was hilarious! He would poke at it and look at me and give me a huge smile. It was like he didn't dare touch it and was looking at me to make sure it was ok. This went on for about 5 minutes. Then finally he reached both hands in and shoved it all in his mouth, I guess I should say all over his face! It was so cute until he started to get tired and rubbed it all over in his eyes, then he wasn't liking it too much. Oh well I guess I now know his favorite food, Spaghetti!!
Posted by
6:54 PM
My first digital layout!
Ok so one of my many New Year's resolutions was to start Digital Scrapbooking. For those of you who know me well, I love to scrapbook but have always been a little aprehensive about digital. But let's face it, scrapbooking takes a lot of time that I don't have and makes a huge mess! I can't believe how fun digital is, it's so much faster and you get to mess up as much as you want and it's no big deal! I'll have to admit I'm a little addicted and I have only done one page! Here is the first of many more to come.
Posted by
11:46 AM
Bittersweet Goodbye
So my little brother is offcially a missionary now! This last week we went up to Idaho to say goodbye to Matt. I know he's where he's supposed to be but that didn't make it any easier to say goodbye! We all sobbed like babies. Usually you say goodbye at the MTC, they have a companion and you know they're taken care of... well we just had to put him on a plane all by himself to fly halfway across the world to Africa. He reports to the MTC there and doesn't get a companion until then. I was sick with worry as he went up to board the plane, he's only been on a plane twice but never by himself. He was so excited and acted like it was no big deal. He left Tuesday afternoon and got to Johannesburg on Thursday night. He was able to email us and said he got there ok, that there are only 11 elders and 2 siters at the MTC there, crazy. Just like we feared his luggage didn't make it. He said hopefully it would get there in a day or two. He will be at the MTC for 4 weeks and then he will be headed to Kenya. I know it will be long two years but we are so proud of him!
Posted by
10:23 AM
Christmas morning
Christmas was so fun this year, it was the first time we had any grandkids so they were a little spoiled. Everyone went overboard. Carson didn't even know what was going on but he went from one toy to the next and loved everyone of them. I think we'll have to hold back a little next year when he starts to understand what's going on. We were all very blessed this year and can't wait to see what 2008 will bring! Can you say spoiled?!
Carson & Chloe in their matching Christmas jammies, as you can tell Carson loves the camera!
Grandma & Grandpa got the cutest little cow & Giraffe rockers, they loved them!
Chloe in her cute new beanie
Someone was excited about getting an ipod!
Posted by
12:40 PM
Christmas Eve
I love getting together with my family and this Christmas was no exception! We had a blast. We started our first annual Christmas Eve sledding trip. We were planning on going up to my grandmas because she has so many big hills but the weather wasn't exactly cooperating! The roads were too bad. So we left the babies with grandma and went to the college, we still had so much fun. As you can tell from our lovely wardrobe we had to dig through all of our old snow stuff to find enough clothes for everyone, let's just say we are a little outdated! Later we had our big Christmas Eve feast and read the Christmas story. We all opened our pajama's and my mom & dad decided to get us all nurf guns so we could have a nurf war. It was a great idea and we all felt like kids again!
Posted by
12:27 PM
Early Christmas at the Grundy's
We were lucky enough to have two Christmas's this year. We got to go down to Price and have our mini Christmas with the Grundy's before heading up to Idaho. We were able to see all the family and had a really good time visiting with everyone. I couldn't ask for better inlaws!
Playing with Papa
Carson giving his famous wet kisses!
Carson & Great Grandpa Grundy
Carson & Nona
Blake & Carson in his new Christmas jammies from Papa & Yia Yia
Posted by
12:07 PM