We've been home for a few days but I haven't had anytime to update. We had blast but I can't even tell you how excited I was to come home to Carson, it was like Christmas morning as a kid!! He was so excited to see us, I took him from my mom and he just buried his head in my chest for about 10 minutes, it was so sweet!! I'll have to say he's a bit of a grandmas boy now!! Thanks mom for watching him, you're a lifesaver!!
We had so much fun in San Francisco. We pretty much based our trip around food! We ate at some of the best places, including In and Out which I had never been to, it was soooo good. Kim is from there so she knew all the hot spots. We swapped houses with her parents, they flew out to Utah to watch her kids and we stayed at their house. It was so nice to wake up when we wanted, which was still about the same time we do when we're home, it's funny how that works! We drove to Napa and saw all the winery's, they were beautiful! We went to a baseball game, Giants vs. Reds. We sat in the Left field bleachers and all I can say are those fans are ruthless!! They were all drunk which made them even worse, I think we were the only sober ones so it was pretty funny to watch them all make fools of themselves! Giants won 3-1. We hung out on Fishermans Wharf, rode the trolleys, went to Alcatraz, visited Golden Gate bridge, went to the beach, shopped, shopped, and then shopped some more! They had every store you could think off, and we got a lot of fun stuff.
Check out this mall, it was HUGE!!
Giants vs. Reds
The beach was beautiful but the water was FREEZING!! It literally took your breath away and there were people all over that acted like it was no big deal!
Hutch and Chris attempting to be look cool!
Down at Fisherman's Wharf there are people doing all sorts of crazy stuff for money and this guys was our favorite. They call him "The Bush Man", he hides behind this bush and jumps out and scares people, it sounds pretty lame but it is hilarious!! I guess he's been doing it for years and makes pretty decent money!
The city was beautiful and we were so glad we went. Thanks Hutch & Kim for the fun trip, can't wait for next years!!
We're home!!!
Posted by
4:48 PM
Off to California.....
Chris and I are headed off for a much needed vacation! We fly out tonight, and I'm having mixed emotions! My mom came down to watch Carson for 5 Days....I don't think I've ever been away from him for more than 24 hours so it's going to be tough! We are going with a couple of our friends and no kids allowed! Don't get me wrong I'm super excited, I just don't want to leave my boy for that long....at least I know he's in good hands!!
Good News!! Carson took his first steps, granted they were sideways but that still counts right!? He was walking along the coffee table, got to the edge and just kept going! It was pretty funny to watch him realize he wasn't holding on anymore, he panicked and dropped to his bum. His physical therapists said that he probably wouldn't walk until about 15 months so I guess he's trying to prove them wrong! Chris and I were both so excited and kept trying to get him to do it again, but no such luck! I guess he'll do it on his own time.
I seriously haven't posted anything forever so I'm trying to catch up! This last weekend Chris parents came up for a few days and I got to watch our nephew Blake. We had so much fun together coloring, playing legos, hanging out at the park and everything else 5 year olds like to do. It was nice to have some company during the day. He comes up with the funniest things and is cute as ever. He was so good with Carson and I just had to share these cute pictures. It was good to be able to spend time with family, we love you guys!
Well...I'll be home Monday and fill everyone in on our fun trip! I hope everyone has a good week!
Posted by
3:00 PM
So Big!
Carson is now at the age where he thinks he can feed himself, it's sooo frustrating and cute all at the same time. I can't give him a bite without him fighting for the spoon and he usually wins!! He takes the spoon taps it at his food and then sucks the spoon when there is nothing even on it or the exact opposite... he takes the spoon knocks over his food and he gets a whole face full!! It's hilarious! Now when I feed him he has to have his own spoon if I want him to get anything to eat and he thinks he is so big!
Posted by
6:38 PM
Pamper Yourself
I love my calling!! I have been the Activity Day Leader for the nine year old girls for a few months now and it's so much fun, the girls are adorable! We usually have 2 activities a month, one to pass something off and then one that's just for fun. Today we had a "Pamper Yourself" day and the girls LOVED it! My sister came to help Ellen & I, thanks Jess! We gave them french manicures, pedicures and did their hair. We took some before and after shots and they thought that was pretty cool! (Carson wasn't too thrilled with all the girls at our house, he wasn't getting any attention. It was so cute he was in the living room playing with his toys and I looked over and he was pointing to things in his books and talking to them, I love this age!)
They all had a chance to get a little foot massage and sock their feet, they thought they were in heaven!
They all wanted curls! SO CUTE!
Posted by
6:36 PM
Dr. Visit
Carson had his one year checkup today, and everything looks good! I seriously love his doctor, she's the best! She's not one of those that rush through everything with there hand on the doorknob ready to leave at anytime. (I know you know what I'm talking about). She follows through with everything, and she remembers stuff that I didn't even know I told her, and she's soo good with Carson! Anyway.......it's funny because Carson eats everything he can get his hands on and he only weighs 21 lbs and is in the 25%, if only I could have his metabolism! He's 29 3/4 inches long in the 50%, and.....he's in the 95% in head size, ya... he got his mom's head!! Carson was so brave for his shots, he always screams right when it goes in and then the second I pick him up and hand him his blankie he lays his head on my shoulder and stops crying, it's the cuttest thing ever! The whole car ride home he rubbed the silky part of his blanket on his face and looked out the window, he's so sweet!
Posted by
2:07 PM